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gaga over是什么意思_怎么读

2023-09-14 英语词典

gaga over


1.she was crazy about him; gaga over the rock group's new album; he was infatuated with her.她对他很着迷;狂热于摇滚组合的新唱片;他迷恋着她。

2.But Airbus customers went gaga over the new jet, which won't even be ready to enter service until the fall of 2015.尽管新机型要在2015年秋天才能正式服役,但空客客户对其已是追捧有加。

3.The whole world was gaga over the couple and actually wanted to see the onscreen couple going steady in real life too.这一对的风潮已经过去了,大家也想让这对荧屏情侣在真实生活中平静一下了。

4.The net result of Pakistan's own sins, and a global media that is gaga over India, is that Pakistan is always the bad guy.巴基斯坦本身的罪恶的最终结果和对印度极其热情的全球媒体是巴基斯坦一直印象不好的原因。

5.EXAMPLE: Young people went gaga over the new portable music devices and bought them anywhere they were sold.年轻人对这款新型的便携音乐设备非常着魔,不管哪里有卖,他们都会去买。

6.Interesting. Looks like boys are all crazy about Zhang, while girls all go gaga over Li. Hmm.有意思。似乎男生都支持张,而女生都为了李而疯狂。

7.They were gaga over the rock group's new album.他们对滚石乐队的新专辑迷得发狂

8.I was gaga over his deep blue eyes when I first set eyes on him.当我第一次看见他,已经恋上了他迷人的蓝眼睛。

9.EXAMPLE: My friends at work have all gone gaga over learning to play golf despite their lack of time to practice.我的在职的朋友虽然缺少时间练习,但都在狂热地学打高尔夫球。

10.a. What makes women go gaga over a guy?男人得有什么样的气质才能使女人着迷?
